"Allah is with you and will never
devalue your deeds."
Welcome to
Aisha Academy
Providing in-person and online services for all of North America with the most beneficial and important Islamic knowledge for everyone!
Why Choose Aisha Academy to learn Quran?
Aisha Academy provides online services for all of North America. The most beneficial and essential Islamic knowledge for the youths and adults. Many programs are available for children and adults, such as learning how to read the Quran with Tajweed, memorizing the Quran with an incredible system, Fiqh, teaching of the 5 pillars of Islam, and explaining the prophets’ stories and teaching the arabic language. The school itself is located in Montreal. We have many students from different backgrounds and they are benefiting from our system. Students from the age of 4 and up are eligible to start. Our teachers are born and raised in North America and will connect with the kids and adults efficiently and as Allah says in the Quran.
وَ مَاۤ اَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَّسُوْلٍ اِلَّا بِلِسَانِ قَوْمِهٖ لِیُبَیِّنَ لَهُمْؕ

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Our Programs
You and your children can learn Quran and Tajweed conveniently from your home with Aisha Academy. We offer online courses that teach you from learning the Arabic letters to the reading of the Quran with Tajweed to the memorization of the Quran.
- Class Days: Monday to Thursday
- Timing: 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
- Duration: September to June
- Classes for Boys and Girls
- Ages 5 and above
- In-Person Classes Available
- Class Days: Saturday & Sunday
- Timing: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
- Duration: September to June
- Classes for Boys and Girls
- Ages 5 and above
- In-Person Classes Available
Private Quran
- Class Days: TBD
- Timing: Flexible Schedule
- Duration: 30 mins per session
- Classes for Adults & Kids
- Ages 5 and above
- In-Person Classes Available
Arabic Program
- Program for Kids & Adults
- Class Days: Weekend
- Timing: TBD
- Arabic Writing
- Arabic Vocabulary
- Arabic Grammar
#Testimonial What Parents Says
Depuis que ma fille a commencé avec Cheikh Haroun elle s’est bien améliorée en arabe. Elle prononce mieux les lettres maintenant et elle a appris beaucoup de vocabulaire coranique ce qui facilite la récitation et la mémorisation après. Je recommande lmadrassah fortement à tout les parents qui veulent apprendre le coran à leur enfants.
The instructors at Aisha Academy not only teach Qu’ran but cater towards your development. I enrolled my sister into their Qur’an program and have seen such a great improvement in her reading Alhumdullilah. In addition, you can tell that the instructor has a real passion for teaching Qu’ran. I definitely recommend!
Assalamualaykum. My son, age 7 loves reading Quraan with Hafiz Haroon. The teachers are very accomodating and understanding. Most of all, they connect with children at their level with humbleness and love. My son looks forward toward quraan classes and loves his teacher. They are also very affordable and have great timings. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts
My daughter started learning with Aisha academy in June 2021, the convenience of having weekend classes from home has been great for us. She has already learned a lot, her teacher Asma Sharif helps my daughter with kindness and patience. I’m really happy that my daughter is able to learn Quran through Aisha academy.
En tant que parents de Miad et Mina, nous sommes très reconnaissants envers Cheikh Haroun et Aishaacademy pour la qualité de l’apprentissage du noble Coran que reçoivent nos enfants dans un cadre bienveillant. Nos enfants sont toujours excités et impatients de venir en classe. Jazak Allah Cheikh Haroun.
The madressah is very good mashaAllah. My daughter always had trouble reading the Quran but since she started practicing with Asma Baji she’s been really good. Very happy with the way she’s reading and memorizing the Quran. Alhamdullilah!
My son’s experience was exceptional. He entered the course with absolutely no previous knowledge of the alphabet. Within short period, he started to improve significantly in reading letters and syllables then words with the least effort at home. This is the best place any child can ever enjoy and learn.
Je trouve que les enseignants nous apprend bien le coran et que c’est très facile de participer au cours par rapport a ses disponibilités
Le professeur Haroun est trés professionnel MashaAllah, cours efficace l'enfant aime beacoup et apprend mieu qu'au paravant dans d'autres ecoles de coran, tarifs tres abordable, jazakaAllahukheir
Depuis que ma fille a commencé avec Cheikh Haroun elle s’est bien améliorée en arabe. Elle prononce mieux les lettres maintenant et elle a appris beaucoup de vocabulaire coranique ce qui facilite la récitation et la mémorisation après. Je recommande lmadrassah fortement à tout les parents qui veulent apprendre le coran à leur enfants.
Parent: Mohamed Barrak Student: Bochra BarrakThe instructors at Aisha Academy not only teach Qu’ran but cater towards your development. I enrolled my sister into their Qur’an program and have seen such a great improvement in her reading Alhumdullilah. In addition, you can tell that the instructor has a real passion for teaching Qu’ran. I definitely recommend!
Parent: Mohammed Rahman Student: Faiza RahmanAssalamualaykum. My son, age 7 loves reading Quraan with Hafiz Haroon. The teachers are very accomodating and understanding. Most of all, they connect with children at their level with humbleness and love. My son looks forward toward quraan classes and loves his teacher. They are also very affordable and have great timings. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts
Parent: Uzma Sharif Student: Luqman AliMy daughter started learning with Aisha academy in June 2021, the convenience of having weekend classes from home has been great for us. She has already learned a lot, her teacher Asma Sharif helps my daughter with kindness and patience. I’m really happy that my daughter is able to learn Quran through Aisha academy.
Parent: Mariam Barakat Student: Huda KhalidEn tant que parents de Miad et Mina, nous sommes très reconnaissants envers Cheikh Haroun et Aishaacademy pour la qualité de l’apprentissage du noble Coran que reçoivent nos enfants dans un cadre bienveillant. Nos enfants sont toujours excités et impatients de venir en classe. Jazak Allah Cheikh Haroun.
Parent: Abu et Oum Miad et Mina Student: Miad et MinaThe madressah is very good mashaAllah. My daughter always had trouble reading the Quran but since she started practicing with Asma Baji she’s been really good. Very happy with the way she’s reading and memorizing the Quran. Alhamdullilah!
Parent: Nafisa Lila Student: Shifa LilaMy son’s experience was exceptional. He entered the course with absolutely no previous knowledge of the alphabet. Within short period, he started to improve significantly in reading letters and syllables then words with the least effort at home. This is the best place any child can ever enjoy and learn.
Parent: Nour Sarakbi Student: Kareem EbishJe trouve que les enseignants nous apprend bien le coran et que c’est très facile de participer au cours par rapport a ses disponibilités
Parent: Hachim Ahamat Student: Haroun AhamatLe professeur Haroun est trés professionnel MashaAllah, cours efficace l'enfant aime beacoup et apprend mieu qu'au paravant dans d'autres ecoles de coran, tarifs tres abordable, jazakaAllahukheir
Parent: Yassin Aznag Student: Amine AznagAsalamou 3alaykoum Aisha Academy, ceci est mon avis sur ce programme islamique. J’aime énormément ce programme parce que, je trouve que j’avance très vite lors de mon apprentissage et la façon dont j’apprends est vraiment très encourageante pour l’avenir.
Parent: Youcef Kessaci Student: Idris KessaciNous témoignions que le Madrassa Aïcha Académie nous donne des très bonne qualité d’enseignements à nos enfants. Ainsi que le Tarbia. Merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour la réussite de tous.
Parent: Tidjani Ali Student: Racha & Rachid TidjaniMashAllah Sheikh Haroun, his family, and team are doing an outstanding effort on our youth to help teach them the Quran and Deeniyat and our community is benefiting from his presence Alhumdulilah!
Parent: Reza Rajput Student: Zerar RajputMy experience with the academy was wonderful, as my youngest son began to read Arabic well, and my eldest son memorized a juz of the Qur’an very well, as the Sheikh, may God reward him, taught him the correct way to memorize the Holy Qur’an. I always praise and thank the Sheikh’s efforts in advancing my children in learning the Qur’an and the Arabic language
Parent: Samah Almsaddi Student: Mohamad Radi and Mustafa SaadThank you for providing such a wonderful service and teaching our kids in an unconditional way. Are kids are very happy , we are satisfied with your teachings and professional manners.Your services has helped us save a lot of time for ourselves and we can safely confirm that our children are learning in a safe and well establish environment. Thank you again for the wonderful service and keep sarrounding our children.We wish you a continued success and influence.
Student: TemoorI have been with Aisha Academy from its very first year and have witnessed it blossom into the incredible islamic school program it is today. The teachers are dedicated and patient and the community built around it is becoming more and more like a family! May Allah swt keep bringing our community benefit at the hands of the people involved at Aisha Academy. Ameen!
Student: AhmedI started learning basic arabic and tajweed in my 20's. Initially I found it a little difficult but then I was fortunate to find an instructor who could work with me based on my needs. He was really patient and courteous and followed up with me to keep track of my progress. I could tell right away that he was competent when he answered any questions that I had for him and explained matters clearly to me. An instructor who's passionate about his work and genuinely cares for his student's progress. Overall a great experience at a madrassa I would highly reccomend for anyone to enroll in.
Student: Muhammad AhmedI learned the basics of how to read at a very young age but unfortunately due to shifting priorities over the years as an adult, I had forgotten how to read. I was referred to Aisha Academy by my sister in-law, who suggested that I try out a few lessons. My teacher was extremely patient and he literally took me from the very basics and we worked our way together to be able to read the Quran. I can't express the amount of gratitude and respect I have for Aisha Academy and my teacher in particular. My teacher is very flexible and was able to work with my schedule to do revisions, hifz and recitations. For anyone considering Aisha Academy to learn how to read the Quran, improving their tajweed or doing hifz, I can wholeheartedly say that it has been an absolutely amazing experience and a source of blessing in my life. I encourage everyone to take a few lessons with Aisha Academy and see for yourself!
Student: Adnan KobirGood programs with even better teachers, the students are well taken care of by the experienced teachers and a good environment for kids to learn.
Student: Mohamed Baccari